Saturday, August 29, 2009
1 Working Space

Her work is based on the theme of the human individual. An exploration of diversity within similarity. As far as I take her work, it glances at construction and interpretation of identity. She clearly combines Post Modern ideas of a single person's visual appearance.
Car boot
If this looks a little junky, it will because it's taken at a car boot. Student. Desperate measures. My sister and I decided to try our luck at selling some of the hundred items of clothing we had discarded over the years. Most were next to perfect, so it seemed silly to leave them cluttering up the house. Off we went with our bags, earrings, shoes, coats etc...it went down well the first time, although it got rained off within the hour, I made £53 and my sister, £48.
Appalling pictures, but the general idea's there. They were taken in a bit of a mad rush at the Thinktank at Millenium Point, Birmingham, whilst a few dozen children swamped my space!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Cool sandwich, Cool dad

This could be the answer for fretful parents – cool-looking food to tempt even the fussiest of young palates. Everything from Spongebob to Sid the clumsy Ice Age sloth. The innovative idea of father of two Mark Northeast. He was desperate to get his four-year-old son Oscar to eat up his lunch and played around with his sandwiches to make appealing designs.
'He always took forever to eat his lunch so one day I cut his sandwich into the shape of a space rocket and two vegetables into boosters, said Mr Northeast, 36. 'He then wolfed it down in five minutes flat.' He put a photo up on Facebook and pretty soon people were asking what was coming up next.
'I got more and more engrossed in what I could do with sandwiches. I wanted to be able to open the fridge and say what can I do with this – cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, carrots and bread.' Now Mr Northeast, a web designer from Littlehampton, West Sussex, is hoping to sign a book deal and his website
My only concern would be to what extent my food had been 'played with', which scares me a little. But I'm guessing kids of 4 and 5 don't worry about these kinds of things. What harm can it do really. Getting creative with food is something adults practice with cooking, so why not encourage the younger ones to spice up the excitement of eating a boring old ham sandwich!
Basia Zarzycka

A Romantic colourful pair of fantasy court shoes embellished with sculpted bead flowers and fauna
Lichfield Cathedral

There isn't much I could tell you about this, that wouldn't be more accurate than coming direct from Lichfield Cathedral's own dedicated website. Not being a massive one for History, it was more the stunning craftsmanship and architectural splendor that enthused me. I took a visit to Staffordshire on the train recently whilst my boyfriend was visiting. He studies Civil Engineering, and so the trip was beneficial for the both of us.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
'Dancing Diggers'

You see this all over the place now, but I saw a local Birmingham group who had named themselves, very appropriately, the 'Dancing Diggers', back in 2007. They performed to mark the opening of a local craft centre called Boxtree's, on the outskirts of Solihull, only about 5 miles from me. It was a pleasure to watch, despite the sighs and yawns it gathered from others, but then again I am strangely fascinated by machinery and construction. It has always been an interest to me, one I have integrated into artistic projects and used to direct me in design work. Perhaps it has something to do with my father who is a precision engineer. Seeing his continuous quoting of incredibly-sized, mammoth CAD drawing's, has left it's imprint in me for sure.

Monday, August 03, 2009
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Mixed media illustration

Magnetic measuring spoons

Fun, colourful measuring spoons by 'Joseph Joseph' with a dual purpose - fridge magnets!
The teaspoon and tablespoon measures each contain a 1/2-measure fill line and magnets within the handle make it easy to attach to a fridge or any metal surface. Not only are they always within reach, but they also make ideal memo holders.
Ingenious. A complete 'IwishI'dthoughtofthatfirst'.
Hatton Crafts, Warwickshire

Saturday, August 01, 2009
IKEA Project


This is a pretty awesome project by GAD CHARNY. His Mutants exhibition takes plastic kids toys and transforms them into hybrid mutants. If you in any way happen to be in Tel Aviv, stop by the Artists' House Gallery, from now until 17th August.
Follow the Leader

A revisit to my childhood